Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year ramblings

Initially, I used to hate only my birthday which falls squarely on a day that associated in a way with the title my blog. Needless to say, I don't enjoy my birthday all that much and certainly don't enjoy the marginally greater attention. I do however, understand other fortunate souls immense joy out of the occassion.

Another one to that list is the New Year. Everyone falls prey to "What are you doing for New Year?". Although no one intends or feels that something has to be done, the cascading effect of one person asking the other completes the collapse of the cards to a full circle, wherein everyone automatically believes that something has to be done. Why? well, 'coz it's New Year, ain't it? Pretty soon, all the ones that are sitting at home look silly.

God Bless all the kindred souls who bring in the New Year in content peace. I think the best way to bring in the New Year, is being in the arms of the one you love, eyes fixed in the same direction (Not the TV, you idiot) and a renewed resolve.

I hope I am never proved wrong.

Here's something that stares at me everyday. It makes sense in a different way everyday.
Its the tagline from the poster of "The Shawshank Redemption"

"Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free"

Here's to a happy New Year 2008!! The crucial year.

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